Digital download of Rorie's witchy single Magick Comin'. Available in mp3, m4a (apple lossless) or 24-bit FLAC.
This is a song about purposely stepping into your power. Spelling "magick" with a k at the end is an innovation generally attributed to 20th century occultist Aleister Crowley (a super controversial but fascinating dude to learn about). In recent years it has been somewhat widely adopted by various folks in the pagan and occult community. The premise behind the additional k, or other alternate spellings like "majick" or "magicke", is to differentiate ceremonial magick practices from the illusions of stage magicians.
This kind of an "oldschool rorie kelly" sound with Rorie on guitar and vocals, Kevin Kelly on bass and keys, and Katie Pearlman on drums. The foot stomps at the end were recorded by Rorie and Kevin at the Workshoppe East studio and literally did shake the room, causing Kevin's Mets bobblehead figures to dance along quite effusively.